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Electives Operating Procedures

2024-25 Academic Year


BUAC Electives is held at Tates Creek Christian Church, 3150 Tates Creek Rd. Enter at the Albany Rd. entrance and park at the back of the building. The closest line of spaces is reserved for instructors who must carry supplies into the building. Enter the building at Entrance B. (Students are not permitted to enter at any other entrance.) Students may not enter the building prior to 12:50 a.m. 

A welcome table is set up in the lobby.  Students should sign in when upon arrival and sign out when leaving the premesis. Important announcements are posted at the welcome table, and it is typically manned by an adult who can answer questions. 

Fellowship Hour

Fellowship Hour will take place from noon to 1 p.m. outside in the parking lot by entrance B or, in the case of inclement weather, in the gym. Please do not congregate in classrooms as teachers are trying to set up and prepare for first hour classes.  The Fellowship Hour is open to students who have a 1 p.m. class at BUAC Electives. Students who only have 2 p.m. and/or 3 p.m. classes are not permitted to come for Fellowship Hour. 


Students are required to exit the building at Entrance B (where they entered). Parents who are picking up students may park anywhere in the back parking lot, except for the first line of parking spaces. For student safety, parents MUST pull into parking spaces and not line up at the door or in the driving lanes. 


Students may only use the restroom in the hallway on the first floor or in the Fellowship Hall. Do not use the gym restroom or other restrooms throughout the building. 

Food & Drinks

Food and drinks, other than water, are not permitted in BUAC classrooms. 


Students must stay in the specified areas for BUAC Electives at all times. No students are permitted on the second floor of the building. Also, students must always enter and exit via Entrance B and only use the stairwell located next to the classroom area on the first floor. 

Only students with classes in the gym are permitted to leave the first floor.


An elevator is available for students with disabilities, teachers, and students assisting teachers with supplies. All other students must use the stairs.  Most classes will be meeting on the first floor, and only student with classes in the gym should leave our classroom area on the first floor.


Students are responsible for their own health at BUAC Electives. They should make no assumptions regarding cleaning protocols or other safety measures. As a general rule, they should not depend on others, or the program as a whole, to keep them safe. Therefore, concerned students should carry (and use) their own hand sanitizer and disinfectant, and wear as much personal protection equipment as they deem necessary. 

Study Hall

BUAC Electives does not offer a study hall. Nor is there a place for students to wait if they arrive early or are not picked up immediately after their classes. 

Gym Etiquette

Students are welcome to play basketball and other games in the gym during inclement weather, but balls must be stored after 1 p.m.  Please do not leave personal items in the gym as classes meet in the gym and can’t be disrupted. 


BUAC Elective teachers do not supply grade reports, class descriptions, or class syllabi to parents. Nor do they assign high school credit to their classes. Parents or students should not ask teachers or leaders to provide grades, student reports, or class descriptions. If parents desire a class grade or other documentation, they are welcome to write the documentation on their own and assign the grade and high school credit as they see fit. If a family participates in a homeschool program where documentation for elective classes must be submitted, the parent should prepare the documentation and ask the instructor to provide a signature only. 


Students should not bring valuable personal items to BUAC. If an item (such
as a laptop) is needed for a class, it should be kept with the student at all
times or locked in a vehicle when not being used. 

Class Fees

Families are expected to pay the class fees on time. If a family is experiencing difficulty with the fees, they may contact the instructors to be placed on payment plans. Families are requested to write checks for payment (rather than cash) and write their student’s name on the memo line. Checks should be made out to the teachers and be placed in an envelope with the student and teacher name on the front. 


Good attendance is expected at BUAC Electives. Students should contact their instructors via email prior to class if they must miss a class. Repeated absences and tardiness could result in dismissal in order to open a spot in the program for a waiting student. Good attendance is monitored by individual teachers and by the program as a whole. 


Parents should be aware that BUAC students are very lightly monitored while on campus. Classroom teachers handle issues within their own classroom as they see fit, while other adult leaders are present to administer the program and assist in emergencies. 

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, check email for information regarding closure. Because BU Electives is held in the afternoon, it is possible it will be held even when Fayette County Public Schools or The Core Program is not in session. However, the final decision for attendance in inclement weather rests with the parents. Students are not expected to be in class if the parent has deemed travel to BU Electives is not safe. 


All email communication should be sent to Students and parents are expected to check email and know what has been communicated. Electives communication is hosted by Mailchimp. Students and parents are required to subscribe, unsubscribe, and update email changes directly with Mailchimp by using the links provided at the bottom of every BU email. 

Dress Code

BU Electives follows the BU Dress Code, which can be found HERE.  Students are expected to strictly adhere to the dress code and not push the spirit or letter of the dress code. Stu-dents should be mindful and respectful of others by erring on the side of conservatism and modesty in their dress. 

Student Expectations

Please See our Student Expections page for a detailed Student Code of Conduct and list of expectations.

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